Corporate Wellness Programs

Corporate Wellness Programs

Many businesses today are struggling to navigate the world of health care in order to maintain a healthy workforce. While the markets may be changing, chiropractic care is a stable avenue that keeps employees feeling better, increases productivity, and strengthens retention. Let’s take a better look at what corporate wellness programs can offer your company and why you should consider increasing the options for employees.

Improved Employee Health

It is hard to imagine that any employer would say that they don’t care about the health of their employees, but many companies feel that wellness programs are an excess expense. The companies that cut back on wellness expenses soon find that they have increased their costs in other areas. When employees feel that their health is valued, they are more likely to be motivated to be at work and when they have access to adequate medical care, they can catch illness or injury before it affects their work performance.

Reduction In Unnecessary Surgeries

Employees with access to health care services are more likely to be well-versed on any issues they may be having as well as seek professional guidance when these issues occur. With this access, employees will feel like they can take control of their health and make healthier lifestyle choices when it comes to diet and exercise. When employees stack the deck in their favor, they are less likely to be diagnosed with conditions that require surgery or are able to look into less invasive options first.

Overall Cost Savings

Health insurance costs increase as the number of people requiring expensive medical care goes up. As companies expand their costs in preventative care, education, and incentives – they see an overall reduction in health-related expenses. This can be seen in the reduced number of missed workdays, lack of productivity, and expensive specialists or doctor visits. A recent study even suggests that for every $1 spent on corporate wellness, the companies saw a savings of $2.13 to $10.10 through lower medical costs, reduced number of missed workdays, and increased productivity.

Employee Retention

There are several factors that relate to employees seeking other work options. One common issue is that employees don’t feel like they matter to the company. Wellness programs are an excellent option for corporations to directly demonstrate their view on the value of the employee and their well-being. When companies make investments in their employees, employees are more likely to feel invested within the company. The building of strong bonds between employees helps to increase retention which lowers overall costs in training, hiring, and all the issues that are related to the termination of poor-performing employees.

Chiropractic And Wellness Programs

If you are looking at wellness programs for your company, you should consider many of the options that are offered including chiropractic services, which can be especially attractive for employers to add to their package. Chiropractic adjustments are commonly linked to reduced workplace injuries and illnesses and can help to alleviate or reduce the adverse effects of the workplace on your employees. Additionally, your chiropractor may even travel to your company location which will result in an increase in time at work and participation in the wellness program. Chiropractors offer a cost-effective way to reduce headaches, back or neck pain, poor digestion, and many other issues commonly associated with today’s working professionals.


The workplace is becoming increasingly competitive when it comes to attracting and retaining the best talent for your company. If you are considering making an investment in your employees, you should contact a chiropractor today to discuss the many benefits that they can offer for your staff. When employees feel that they are valued at a company, they return the investment to your bottom line.

Health And Wellness Coaching

Health and Wellness Coaching

How To Reach Your Goals With A Health And Wellness Coach

In today’s world, there is a growing group of people who are putting their personal health at the forefront. These people strongly believe that having a positive outlook on their health can increase the chances of reaching their goals and increase their quality of life.

If you are considering making a healthy change, congratulations! Improving your health and quality of life can be exciting and when you begin your transformation, you may want to consider enlisting the services of a health and wellness coach.

What Is Health And Wellness Coaching?

A health and wellness coach is an individual or team of people that help you create a vision for your journey. They help break down your overall goal into individual steps and create manageable milestones for you to accomplish on a short-term basis. They also help you to develop a positive mindset around your goals and push you to achieve your vision.

Health and wellness coaches will typically be available to you at every step of your journey and can provide valuable insight and encouragement to keep you motivated to continue to push through barriers.

Items Included In Coaching Plans

Health and wellness coaches can personalize a plan for your needs, but traditional plans will include:

These coaches are typically concerned with the overall well-being of their clients and their interest can offer a valuable perspective on all aspects of your life and how that relates to your health. The more open and honest you are about your personal life, the more tailored a plan will be in order to help you achieve your dreams.

What Coaching Will NOT Do

Health coaches have specific training that qualifies them for the specific approaches that they advertise. However, you should not expect a health coach to act as your dietitian or personal trainer. While they may be able to offer some advice, it may be wise to bring on additional specialists to your health team.

Health coaches are also not usually licensed psychologists or therapists. While they can help you to set and achieve positive goals, they are not qualified to work with or diagnose mental health or psychological disorders.

What Your Coach Will Do

Health and wellness coaches are there to hold you accountable for your specific goals. They will check in with you at regular intervals to see how you are progressing and discuss any setbacks that you may be having in order to help you make changes to your plan when needed. Health coaches may also be able to identify any other issues you may be having and guide you toward professionals related to those issues for advice.

Health coaches are there to pull you back on track when you feel like quitting as well as to help remind you of your day one goal and how you can achieve it. We all have challenging days, but when you have a partner on your side, it makes those days less frequent and more manageable.

Finding The Right Coach For You

Coaching in this market is a blossoming economy that is growing every day. Therefore, it is important to find a coach that fits your needs and complements your goals. If you are considering a coach, you should look at their qualifications, check their reviews, and ask to speak with some of their previous clients.

You can also ask to see examples of coaching plans they have designed for others with needs similar to yours. If you are considering hiring a health and wellness coach, you should call today and set up an initial consultation. There is no better time to start your wellness journey than right now!

Health and Wellness Coaching

How Chiropractics Can Help With Weight Loss

How Chiropractics Can Help with Weight Loss

Many people today struggle to maintain their waistline. There have been a significant number of studies that correlate our weight, or rather, excess weight, to shortened lifespans, reduced quality of life and an increase in various diseases. People are often focused on the newest fad diet or exercise routine to help them reduce their body fat percentages and maintain weight loss, but a visit with your chiropractor will add another layer to your ability to fight the battle of your expanding midline.

Chiropractic And The Impact On Weight

At the beginning of each January, weight-loss fads and gym membership applications skyrocket, only to taper off during the next few months. People often focus on one aspect of their lifestyle to reduce their weight, but these aspects by themselves don’t focus on an overall healthy lifestyle. If you can change your focus to living better for the rest of your life, you may start to find that you can bring some balance to your future weight loss endeavor. When used as a part of your weight loss routine, people who receive chiropractic care tend to see faster and longer-lasting results.

Chiropractic adjustments aren’t considered a cardio workout in themselves, but patients who are maintaining a healthy diet and getting regular exercise can really benefit from routine adjustments. Chiropractors can help to keep us free from injury, reduce fatigue, and help keep our digestive systems working properly which allows our bodies to readily process the foods that we eat to properly fuel a workout while disposing of waste.

A Properly Aligned Spine

Athletes at any level are at an increased risk for injury. The physical movements that we make when we work out can place additional stress on all our joints, making movement more difficult. When we feel pain in our joints, we tend to reduce the workload. Chiropractic adjustments help to keep your joints in their best physical condition and everyone knows, that when you feel better, you can work harder. Your increased output will result in more calories burned which when paired with proper nutrition, can result in big losses on the scale.

Many chiropractors are specifically geared to work with weight loss. In addition to specialized techniques that help keep you in the best shape possible, they can offer additional exercise and nutritional information. If you’re considering pairing your weight loss plan with chiropractic, please talk to your chiropractor. They are a wealth of underutilized knowledge.

Barbells And Chiropractors

When we think of building lean muscle, we often think about lifting barbells and dumbbells, but studies show that the act of getting an adjustment can lead to better muscle tone. And as our bodies build muscle, the fat that we consume isn’t immediately placed into stores which means that it makes it harder for the body to gain additional weight.

Additionally, properly aligned joints, as well as the adjustments themselves, can lead to reduced muscle fatigue and more rapid healing than rest alone. Chiropractic adjustments allow your muscles to relax which puts them into the best state to be healed.

Stopping Injuries Before They Stop You

Chiropractors are experts at spotting issues with our joints and alignment. As they work through your appointment, they may find issues before they become more serious. This allows you to take precautions before you really hurt yourself and sideline your weight loss plan. If you can recognize the injury early, it takes less time to heal, and you have a better chance of a full recovery.


If you are getting serious about fighting for your health, then it’s time to cut out the extra weight. While you should consider a multi-faceted approach, you should also work with your chiropractor to identify the best plan for you. With their ability to keep your body in top operating condition, their advice on exercise and nutrition can also be an invaluable tool to help you reach your goals.

Chiropractic Care For An Active Lifestyle

Chiropractic Care for an Active Lifestyle

If you are a person who enjoys an active lifestyle, the last thing that you want is to be sidelined by an injury or pain. While chiropractic care is often seen as a therapy that can help to heal an athlete, it can also be used to help make you more resilient and improve your overall athletic abilities.

While people who lead active lifestyles are typically aware of the overall benefits of their increased movement, there are also some drawbacks. Some injuries occur from overuse of joints or the increased impact that we impose on our joints from high-impact activities like running, skiing, or hiking which all can have effects on our necks and backs. Chiropractic care can not only help to reduce the pain we feel but a properly aligned back can also reduce the potential for future injuries.

Here are some of the other benefits of receiving regular chiropractic care when you participate in an active lifestyle.


While the few benefits given here are not an exhaustive list of the improvements you can expect from a chiropractic appointment, they should provide some motivation for you to schedule an appointment today. Our lives can be greatly improved when we can remain active and engaged in the world around us.

Chiropractic care is just one avenue that you can explore to keep your body in the best condition to continue exploring. If you haven’t used a chiropractor before, now is the time to give it a try. You may even wonder why you haven’t utilized their services before.  

Chiropractic Care And Pregnancy

Chiropractic Care and Pregnancy

Pregnancy is often one of the happiest times in a family’s life. However, due to the nature of growing a child within your womb, the body also undergoes several significant physical changes. The body’s ability to foster life comes with compromises to a mother’s body which can cause discomfort and pain in the back and neck. Additionally, since the fetus is vulnerable to many medications, mothers are often hesitant to take medication to alleviate their discomfort.

Chiropractic appointments can be a solution to your back health during pregnancy since there are no contraindications for chiropractic care during pregnancy. This means that chiropractic care should always be considered an option for expectant mothers to support their health and overall comfort throughout their pregnancy.

Find A Licensed Chiropractor

Chiropractors often specialize in specific issues related to your spinal health. However, all licensed chiropractors are required to complete education that specifically relates to women who need prenatal and postnatal care. Some chiropractors even specialize in the treatment of pregnant women and complete additional classes specifically related to this population.

Chiropractors who specifically work with pregnant women may also have additional equipment or tables that are specifically designed for the comfort and safety of a mother and her unborn child. There are also specific exercises and stretches that are safe for different stages of pregnancy that your chiropractor can review with you.

Why Pregnant Women Should Use A Chiropractor

The changes that occur during pregnancy can often lead to several issues that affect your back health. Some of these changes lead to pelvic misalignments, spinal compensation for a protruding abdomen, and poor posture changes.

The pelvis can often become misaligned during pregnancy which can, unfortunately, be uncomfortable for the mother and reduce the available space for the baby. Chiropractic adjustments can help realign the pelvis in order to alleviate pain and restore the size of the womb for the fetus as well as help during the baby’s delivery.

Benefits Of Chiropractic Care During Pregnancy

There are several benefits of receiving chiropractic care for the duration of your pregnancy, and even after your baby has been born.

Chiropractic care can:

Preventing Breech Presentation

Typically, while a baby is in the womb, it is in a breech presentation. Physicians aren't usually concerned with the baby’s position until about 37 weeks of pregnancy. Approximately four percent of deliveries present in a breech position, which is dangerous and potentially life-threatening.

Chiropractors are trained in a technique known as the Webster technique which aims to properly align and balance the pelvis specifically for the delivery of the baby. A balanced pelvis helps to reduce stress on the uterus and surrounding ligaments.

The Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics published a study that found that the Webster technique helped to correct breech presentation in 82% of cases. The report also found that the Webster technique could be used as soon as the eighth month of pregnancy if a woman's baby is in a breech presentation.

It is essential to develop a relationship with your chiropractor early so that they understand your specific case and can respond according to your needs.


Chiropractic care is one option that many expectant mothers have used to reduce several health and comfort issues associated with pregnancy. If you are pregnant and would like to know more about the benefits of chiropractic care during your pregnancy, contact a chiropractor today to discuss your options.

Health Benefits of Chiropractic Adjustment

Athletic Recovery

Athletic Recovery

Whether you are a professional athlete, or just enjoy taking part in your spare time, injuries are very much a common occurrence. Pulls, sprains, and strains occur regularly, and while many heal quickly without the need for professional intervention, other injuries may take weeks or even months away from your sport while you heal. 

Fortunately, there are steps that you can take to increase the rate at which your injury will heal and reduce any pain or side effects that you experience during the process. In addition to hot/cold therapies, sports massage, and oral pain medications, you should consider making an appointment for a consultation with a chiropractor.

Common Types Of Sports Injury Treated By Chiropractors

Although professional and regular sports players are less likely to suffer from injury than someone who plays intermittently, they do still occur. All of our bodies are prone to the same types of injuries, many of which can create a range of side effects, from discomfort and pain to swelling, limited mobility and an interruption to the ability to perform day to day tasks. 

In some instances, it may be an underlying problem that causes the injury, such as joint or spine issues. These often occur gradually and without symptoms, until one day, when the underlying problem causes something noticeable to develop. 

Some of the most common sports injuries treated by chiropractors include:

Athletic Recovery

How Can Chiropractic Care Improve My Athletic Recovery?

Having a sports injury can be incredibly frustrating. Not only do you have to deal with the effects of the injury itself, but you also may have to take weeks, months or even longer off of your sport in order to heal properly. And if you play professionally, the injury could threaten your career. 

Most sports injuries are caused by pushing the body beyond its usual limits. Most of them involve some sort of spinal misalignment or inflammation that puts pressure on the spinal cord or surrounding nerves. A chiropractor is trained to perform manual manipulations that will restore balance to the spine and body systems. In doing so, they can reduce inflammation and increase the flow of nutrients and oxygenated blood to the affected area which will speed up the natural healing process so that the body can repair itself faster. The use of chiropractic care has been shown to reduce both pain symptoms and the healing time required for most sports injuries. 

Regular chiropractic care can also be used to help prevent future problems. In many cases, athletes have weaknesses or imbalances in their bodies that aren’t yet causing them any symptoms but if left untreated, could cause a much more prominent injury. By identifying these and performing chiropractic manipulations to realign and balance the body, your practitioner can potentially avert future injuries. 

Want to know more about chiropractic care for athletic recovery? Contact our friendly, knowledgeable team today who will be delighted to assist you.