Benefits Of Chiropractic Care

Benefits of Chiropractic Care

Chiropractors are often thought of as the medical field that specifically deals with issues surrounding your back, or more specifically, your spine. While they certainly focus on your spine, chiropractors are essentially joint and nerve specialists. And since all your nerves travel from your brain and through the spinal column, if there is a disruption in any part of the spine, it can significantly affect your ability to function normally.

With all the messages that your brain sends through the spinal cord, it should not be a surprise that chiropractic care can offer benefits to several aspects of your life. Below, we have compiled a list of just some of the benefits of chiropractic care.

Blood Pressure

If you’re faced with high blood pressure, it can be overwhelming to think about adding a medication that has several serious side effects into your daily routine. These side effects include fatigue, nausea, dizziness, anxiety, and weight loss. Recently, a study has found that just one chiropractic adjustment could result in the same benefits as medications that are specifically designed to lower your blood pressure, and that the effects of that adjustment could last for as long as six months.

If an adjustment can offer the same results as the medications, but without the daunting side effects,  it may be the right time to book an appointment with your chiropractor.

Neck And Lower Back Pain

It probably isn’t a surprise that chiropractic care helps with pain in the neck and back. However, some studies suggest that 80% of Americans experience some sort of lower back pain in their lives. With costly surgeries, addictive pain medications, and mixed levels of relief, chiropractic is another option that many people just don’t consider. Chiropractic care can help to correct any issues without invasive procedures or prescription medications and may be a viable alternative for your neck and back issues.

Headaches – Even Migraines

Both tension and migraine headaches can often be traced to your back. Spinal issues or back misalignment can create a strain on your muscles as they attempt to compensate. This additional strain can trigger tension and migraine headaches. Chiropractic adjustments can help to align the back and in turn, the muscles can relax, and prevent future headaches from arriving. In fact, there are over 200 studies that confirm these results!


Scoliosis is a medical condition that causes the spine to abnormally curve. This change in posture can cause issues with pain, breathing, and an overall reduction in your range of motion. While the treatment options are limited for people who have been diagnosed with scoliosis, chiropractic care is generally a great alternative.

When chiropractic care is combined with physical therapy, it has been shown to slow the progression of the disease while improving a patient’s quality of life.


Sciatic pain is caused by an issue in the sciatic nerve that travels down to your legs. Any problems that impair the nerve's ability to function can result in pain in one or both legs. This pain can be so debilitating that it sometimes leads to an over-prescription or addiction to certain pain medications.

Chiropractic care works to help reduce the pressure that is placed on the sciatic nerve. Studies have shown that when patients visit their chiropractor to receive care, there was a reduction in the number of days that they experienced pain as well as a reduction in their pain severity.

Improve Neurological Conditions

Neurological conditions can be caused by a wide variety of reasons. Chiropractic care for these conditions can help to increase both blood and cerebrospinal fluid which, in turn, delivers more oxygen to and removes waste from the skull, allowing the brain to have an increased ability to heal and function properly.


While this list is only a sampling of the many benefits that chiropractic care can offer, you may likely have been experiencing some of these issues yourself. If you’ve been diagnosed or are dealing with any of these conditions, you should call your chiropractor to discuss your options today.

Chiropractic Care Overview

Chiropractic Care - Overview

If you are a little confused about what chiropractic care actually entails, you are most certainly not alone. Many people are confused about the nature of chiropractic treatment and the somewhat poor reputation associated with chiropractic care. 

Let's find out more about this highly successful form of alternative medicine that offers relief to millions of Americans every year. 

What Is Chiropractic Care?

Various forms of manipulation have been used therapeutically for centuries. However, it wasn’t until the 1800s that scientific basis for the practice was instituted, and the word ‘chiropractic’, a translated form of the Greek words cheir and praktos, which essentially mean ‘done by hand’, was established. 

Chiropractic care refers to the manual manipulation of the body with the purpose of alleviating problems with the musculoskeletal system. The musculoskeletal system is comprised of the bones, muscles, cartilage, tendons, ligaments, joints and other connective tissues that provide shape, support, stability and movement in the body. When there are problems within the musculoskeletal system, it can cause mild, chronic or extreme pain, limited mobility, and difficulty in carrying out our usual day to day tasks.

A chiropractor can treat a variety of spinal conditions and their side effects by manipulating the spine by hand – a process that sounds much more intense and painful than it really is. In fact, spinal manipulation is a precise, swift adjustment that aims to release the pressure on the nerves in your back in order to allow the body to begin to heal itself. 

What Issues Can Chiropractic Care Help Address?

Chiropractic care has been successfully used to treat a wide range of spinal conditions with most problems occurring either in the lower back (lumbar) or neck (cervical spine). Some of the most commonly seen conditions treated by chiropractors include:

Chiropractic Care - Overview

Do I Have To Take My Clothes Off For A Chiropractic Adjustment?

It is a very common misconception that you will be asked to remove your clothes at a chiropractic appointment. A regular chiropractic adjustment is not a massage and while you may be asked to remove a layer of clothing, it is often purely so that your therapist can better see the alignment of your spine. If this is a concern for you, you can ask your practitioner if you can be treated fully clothed at your consultation appointment. 

How Many Treatments Will I Need?

Every patient is different, as is the amount of time that it takes for them to respond to treatment. Some patients will need just a couple of appointments to achieve adequate relief from their pain, while others with chronic conditions may have ongoing appointments with their chiropractor. It may be possible for your practitioner to give you an estimate of the number of appointments that you may need during your consultation, but these are subject to change depending on the severity of the condition.

Do Chiropractic Adjustments Hurt?

Chiropractic care has something of an unfair reputation when it comes to this question, as many people do complain that some of the manipulations are uncomfortable or momentarily painful. Rest assured that the goal of chiropractic care is to reduce your pain, not cause it. It is completely normal to feel stiff and a little sore in the days after your appointment, particularly if it is your first chiropractic session. However, nearly all patients find that they then experience an improvement in their pain levels and mobility within 24 hours of their treatment. You should be substantially less achy after each subsequent appointment as your body starts to heal itself. 

Chiropractors have one aim – to help your body to heal itself. In addition to spinal manipulations, many also offer advice on nutrition, exercises and lifestyle changes which will help support the health of your musculoskeletal system and enable you to live life to the fullest.  

The Importance Of Regular Chiropractic Visits.

The Importance of Regular Chiropractic Visits

Many people are beginning to use chiropractors for the treatment of a variety of health conditions. While chiropractors can help alleviate issues as they pop up, you should also consider visiting a chiropractor as part of your regular routine as many people believe that the frequency of visits directly correlates with the effectiveness of the treatment.

Why Make Regular Appointments?

While we have all experienced injury or sickness, our ability to rebound from those issues is often related to our physical condition beforehand. If we are in good overall health, our body can more readily compensate for an injury or illness.

This same theory can be applied to our spinal health. If your spine and associated joints are in good working order, you may walk away with minimal to no injuries from an activity that may debilitate someone else.

Fix Small Injuries Before They Are Big

We often schedule appointments with our doctors or chiropractors when our issues become so severe that we cannot manage to get through the day without outside help. However, if you really pay close attention to the progress of your condition, you may find that the issue started much earlier. Poor sleeping habits, stress, poor diet, and excessive work hours can all lead to injuries or sickness.

If you are regularly seeing a chiropractor, they can often identify these issues when they are small. They may even be so minor that you haven't noticed them yet. If your chiropractor can correct these issues when they are minimal, you will rebound more quickly without having to experience the debilitating pain that the injury may have caused.

The Spine Controls EVERYTHING

Every message that your body sends to your brain has to travel through your spinal cord which is housed by the spinal column. If you are having an issue somewhere in your body, that issue, along with the remedy, must travel through your spinal cord. If you have a problem with your nervous system, that message can’t be delivered, and your body cannot correct the problem.

Many issues can be attributed to spinal health including headaches, intestinal health, and immune response.

To Keep Yourself In Top Condition

These regular appointments are sure to keep your health at the front of your mind and if you take care of yourself and keep yourself healthy, you are able to better focus on other issues. When your health is poor, it is hard to look beyond the pain and discomfort to focus on work, family, or the enjoyment of your life.

If you maintain a regular relationship with your chiropractor, they are also more likely to fully understand your background in order to quickly suggest and implement the best treatment for a variety of conditions that you may be facing.

To Avoid Surgeries

Chiropractic care is often overlooked when people are experiencing significant discomfort. If you regularly visit your chiropractor and update them on your other health conditions, they may be able to suggest therapies that could ultimately keep you from having to undergo unnecessary surgery and recovery time.

Chiropractors can also offer a second opinion or an initial therapy before you decide on surgery, which may cause damage that is permanent and irreversible. If chiropractic treatments are conducted but aren’t successful, you can opt for an operation at a later time.


The benefits of regular visits with a chiropractor are numerous. Chiropractors can often identify health issues before you have noticed the negative effects of the sickness or injury and if they correct these issues early, your discomfort may be greatly minimized. Additionally, regular chiropractic care can help you avoid some sickness or injuries altogether by keeping your health in top shape. Call a licensed chiropractic professional to schedule your appointment today.

Methods Of Chiropractic Care

Methods of Chiropractic Care

Methods Of Chiropractic Care

Going to the chiropractor can be for a variety of reasons. While chiropractors typically focus on our backs, they are truly joint specialists that help to keep our bodies and joints in proper alignment. However, the effects of chiropractic care extend far beyond our joints. Chiropractic adjustments have been used to help a diverse group of ailments that include back and neck pain, pregnancy issues, ear infections, weight loss, digestive issues, and many more. The issues that can bring you into the office are as diverse as the methods to care for them, but here we’ve compiled a list of five common methods or techniques for the care of neck or back pain.

Diversified Technique

The diversified technique is likely to be used by your chiropractor if you are experiencing neck or back pain that is caused by a herniated lumbar disk. This is one of the most common methods used by chiropractors and offers almost instant relief for the patient. It is commonly associated with the popping or cracking of joints that allow for the release of the gases trapped in the joints which allow for reduced pressure on the joint and the nerves that pass through it.

Logan Technique

The Logan technique is a conventional technique that works by applying pressure to the spine which will help to realign your spine and joints. Your chiropractor may use this method if you are having issues with headaches or migraines. It also helps to improve or restore your balance and release tension throughout the spinal column.


Flexion-distraction involves stretching the spine along the axis to help bring the spine back into alignment. This method is used in patients who have scoliosis, joint pain, or other specific back pain ailments. This technique helps to reduce pressure on the spine from a bulge or a disk herniation in the lumbar spine, increases spinal motion, and reduces symptoms of sciatica. Typically, chiropractors will have a special table that is used just for this technique.

Gonstead Adjustment

The Gonstead technique is considered one of the most popular adjustments and is used for the treatment of specific ailments in patients. Your chiropractor will do a spinal assessment on five separate criteria to detect issues with your spine. These five criteria include:

Soft Tissue Therapy

Soft tissue therapy is the use of therapeutic massage that is targeted at the muscles and ligaments that are connected to the spine. This helps to allow the spine to shift back into a proper position or reduce the tension that is placed on the spine.


Chiropractors have many tools at their disposal to make sure that your body is functioning correctly and you are feeling your best. If you are experiencing neck or back pain, consider scheduling an appointment today. 

Candidates For Chiropractic Care

Candidates for Chiropractic Care

Chiropractic care can offer benefits to so many people with drastically different conditions. While the conditions that are commonly linked to chiropractic care generally surround spine and back health, it can also help with intestinal health and ear infections as well as a multitude of other issues.

If you’re experiencing pain or discomfort, you should consider a visit to your chiropractor to get a diagnosis and see what they can do to provide relief. Chiropractors offer many services without harsh or dangerous medicines or invasive procedures that can cause hospitalizations and time off work.

Expectant Mothers

Growing a life is an incredibly difficult job for your body and creating a new life comes with some side effects that may not always be seen as awe-inspiring. As a woman’s body changes to facilitate the growth of the fetus, several conditions can be caused for a visit to a chiropractor. Some of these conditions include:

All licensed chiropractors are required to take specific classes that focus on the treatment of expectant mothers. Some chiropractors receive additional education that further allows them to treat the specialized needs of pregnant women and their unborn children. Mothers should also consider visiting their chiropractors for postnatal adjustments to speed their recovery.

Infants And Children

At first thought, it may seem overbearing to think about infants receiving chiropractic care. However, positioning in the womb or difficult labor can result in increased strain on the spinal column. Chiropractors can help infants with adjustments to align their spine and promote healthy immune system responses.

Chiropractors can also help when infants have trouble breastfeeding, sleeping, have colic, or many other issues. If your newborn child is having any issues, you may want to schedule a consultation with a chiropractor to see if they can help.

Our kids are often very active and seem to be growing out of their shoes, shirts, and pants almost as soon as we buy them. This rapid growth and along with an active lifestyle can often lead to small injuries in the spine. When you combine an injury to the spine with the need for rapid growth, kids need to be in tip-top shape so that their bodies can grow and develop in a healthy and natural way. Chiropractors can even help kids (and adults) who suffer from ear infections.


Today’s adults have increasingly stressful jobs. Whether you sit at a desk for eight hours a day, which can result in poor posture and pinched nerves, or have an active job where you may have to stand for several hours or lift heavy objects throughout the day, these motions can result in back, neck or muscle pain. Luckily, chiropractors are able to help all of these individuals.


As our bodies age, it’s natural that some of our joints deteriorate and we feel more discomfort than we used to.  While many people believe that this discomfort is a natural part of the aging process and something that must be dealt with, proper spinal alignment can actually help alleviate many of the aches and pains that people may just attribute to their age.

It should be clear by now that there are no contraindications for chiropractors when simply considering your age.

Who Isn’t A Good Candidate?

There are a few patient types that may not benefit from a chiropractor if they are looking to receive an adjustment. These patients include those with:


While spinal adjustments may not be the right course of action for every patient, there are many other treatments available to choose from that may be the right fit. Make sure that your chiropractor is aware of your condition so you can discuss what the best treatment options for you will be along with the benefits and risks associated with each. Please don't hesitate to call your chiropractor and schedule an appointment to help alleviate your pain today.

Choosing The Right Chiropractor For You

Choosing the Right Chiropractor for You

Many people have heard about chiropractors for years and may have even wondered if they can help with some of the pain that they’ve been in, but until now, something has been holding them back from scheduling an appointment. This is often the case for many first-time patients. Understanding some of the things that you should look for when “shopping” for a new medical provider can help relieve some of your apprehension. Here are a few components to help you choose the right chiropractor for you before scheduling the first appointment.

Check The Reviews

This doesn’t mean that you should simply do an online search and trust everything that you’ve read. Ask some of your friends, family, or neighbors to see if they have any suggestions or cautionary tales about chiropractors in your area. These suggestions are invaluable because they want you to receive the best care possible and won’t hold back when letting you know if there are any issues.

You should also check online reviews. While these aren’t always accurate, and often overrepresent negative aspects, they can be helpful to see if similar issues occur and how responsive that office is to their patients’ needs.

Check With Your Insurance

Chiropractic care is often a covered practice, but that doesn’t mean that all providers are covered by all insurances. You can ask the chiropractic office if they accept your insurance, but it’s also important to verify that information with your insurance carrier. Many insurance companies will identify all the covered providers in your area, which can help you narrow your search.

Research Your Condition

While you shouldn't depend entirely on your internet search to understand your condition, it can be helpful to gain some insight. If you think that you can identify what issue you might be having, it can be helpful to investigate the potential treatments and causes. As you continue your research, be sure to write down some questions for your chiropractic office. This can help to ensure that you receive the care that you want and that the office has experience with your specific concerns.

Call The Office

Now that you’ve gathered your background information, it’s time to make some phone calls. When you call the office, you should ask some of your questions in order to get a general feel for the professionalism of the staff. Are they attentive to your needs? Do you feel like they took the time to adequately address your questions? Were they competent? Does the chiropractor have experience dealing with your specific issues?

If you feel like the office is a good fit, you should then see about scheduling. While many offices are busy, you’ll want to make sure that you can be seen in an acceptable amount of time.

Analyze Your Appointment

After your first appointment, you should evaluate your care to make sure that you’re receiving everything that you need. Just because you visit a chiropractor doesn’t mean that you are locked into that provider if they don't seem like a good fit. Here are a few questions that you can ask yourself to make sure that your chiropractor remains an adequate choice for you:

If you answer yes to these questions, you should be confident that you are receiving excellent care. However, if you have any concerns, you should discuss them with your chiropractor so they can correct any issues.


If you’ve been holding off on seeking chiropractic care, now is the time to book your first appointment. Many people don’t get the help that they need and continue to live in pain. And those who do seek help, often talk about their hesitations to call, and that they wish they had made an appointment sooner.

What To Expect At First Appointment

What to Expect at Your First Chiropractic Visit

Many people have some general knowledge about chiropractors, but not many know what to expect during their first appointment. While the process is not complicated, a lack of familiarity can create unnecessary stress and anxiety in patients before they even arrive in the office.

Here we have compiled some information to let you know what to expect for your first visit and hopefully ease any anxiety associated with your first visit.

Schedule An Appointment

While chiropractic offices pride themselves on being available to take care of your needs, it’s always a good idea to schedule an appointment in advance whenever possible. While emergencies do happen, scheduling visits in advance will allow for the more efficient service that you desire as well as the meticulous care that you expect.

Ask Questions

When you call to schedule your first appointment, it's generally a good idea to ask some initial questions or even interview your potential chiropractor. Just remember, while it is a good idea to ask any questions that you have, here are some that you should be sure to ask as the answers can vary greatly.

It may also be a good idea to call a few different offices to find the best fit for you. Your back pain can be a complicated process, and you want to know that you have a chiropractor who matches your specific needs.

Come Prepared

Before a chiropractor ever does an actual physical exam, you will fill out a medical questionnaire. You should be prepared to answer questions about your family history as well as your own background. If you have an extensive medical history, you should also consider bringing in supporting documentation so that your chiropractor can review them and better understand all of your needs.

You should also be prepared to answer questions about the specific nature of your appointment that day. These questions can include:

The answers to these questions can help your chiropractor identify some of the immediate treatment options that might be right for you. You should feel free to discuss the benefits and any potential drawbacks of those options.

The Exam

Once you are through the background information, your chiropractor will conduct a physical exam. The exam will include general medical information such as blood pressure, pulse, and respiration. In addition, your chiropractor will also want to test your reflexes and complete orthopedic tests to explore your range of motion, muscle tone, strength, and neurologic integrity.

These tests will help to assess the seriousness of your injury in order to further refine which treatment options will be right for you.

Additional Studies

Even once your chiropractor has reviewed your history and completed a physical exam, they still may not be able to rule out all the possible causes of your pain and so they may want to further explore the extent of the damage. In these cases, you may be asked to complete some additional testing which may include X-rays, Magnetic Resonance Imaging or MRI, or other laboratory tests. These tests can help to ensure that you receive the proper care and treatment that is individualized to you.


After your chiropractor has gathered enough information to present you with an accurate diagnosis and treatment options, they will work with you to find which option will work best as well as discuss the length of these treatments. If you have questions, you can request written information that you can review at your own pace. Choosing the right option for you will lead to faster and longer-lasting results.

Common Myths About Chiropractic Care

Common Myths About Chiropractic Care

There is a lot of information (and misinformation) that people can find online today. When it comes to chiropractic care, the misinformation can become difficult for many people to differentiate from the truth. Therefore, we have compiled a list of some of the most common myths and misconceptions about chiropractic care below. It is our hope that by understanding the truth about chiropractic care, patients will be able to better seek the care that they need and deserve.

Chiropractic Is Dangerous

Many people have fears about having their neck and back adjusted or manipulated. While these fears are generally due to the perceived weakness of the neck and back from movies, chiropractors are specially trained to perform these techniques safely and effectively. In fact, chiropractic is safe for the elderly, infants, pregnant women, teens, and many other demographics. It is difficult to find medical procedures or even medications that are able to help this wide of a range of the patient population.

Chiropractic Treatments Are Expensive

Many insurance companies consider chiropractic care a covered procedure, meaning that you may only be responsible for a copay, or potentially no costs at all, to receive your chiropractic care. Even Medicare and Medicaid offer coverage for chiropractic care.

Recent studies show that chiropractic care is one of the most affordable and cost-effective treatment options for patients. Studies like this have helped insurance companies justify and even prefer chiropractic care for their clients.

Chiropractic Care Must Be Used For The Rest Of Your Life

Many chiropractic patients visit a chiropractor for a specific issue. However, your chiropractor will be able to develop a specific treatment plan designed to best manage and correct your issues. At the conclusion of this treatment plan, the benefits are often so striking that many patients continue to see a chiropractor on a regular basis even though the original issue has been resolved and see these visits as routine checkups. If they decide to stop these visits, it does not mean that they will regress. In fact, there are studies to suggest that the benefits of chiropractic care last well after the last adjustment.

Chiropractors Aren’t Real Medical Professionals

The modern certification process for chiropractors is exceptionally rigorous. In fact, current chiropractic students complete more in-class instruction than medical students. Chiropractors must also complete a residency program and pass four national tests as well as the appropriate state board tests in order to receive their certification. Many chiropractors are also required to complete a full year of Ph.D. level nutrition classes. This means that not only are they medical professionals, but they are adequately equipped to help you with many of your health needs beyond the neck and spine.

Chiropractic Care Isn’t Effective

This myth continues to be pushed by people who haven’t ever received chiropractic care. Many patients have received excellent care and help with their conditions through chiropractic care. Adjustments and spinal manipulations have been used to help treat migraines, back pain, earaches, neck pain, arthritis, pregnancy, blood pressure issues, and generalized joint pain. If chiropractic care wasn’t effective, insurance companies would not cover this procedure.

Chiropractic Isn’t Safe For Kids

Chiropractic care is especially important for kids. Their rapid growth and high activity levels mean that they are more prone to injury than other age groups. If children aren’t treated quickly for their injuries, it can impair their proper growth and development.

Chiropractic care has been found as a safe and effective treatment for many demographics, including children. Many parents opt for chiropractic care rather than many other medical procedures or potentially dangerous medications.


Many of the myths about chiropractic care mask the countless benefits that this medical field can have for your life. Chiropractic care requires less downtime or recovery than most medical procedures and avoids or reduces the need to use medications that contain opioids. With these benefits, it’s hard to imagine why you shouldn’t consider chiropractic for your treatment.  

Chiropractic Faqs

Chiropractic FAQ’s

For people who haven’t visited a chiropractor, it may be difficult to understand the potential benefits that a chiropractor has to offer. To help clear up some of this confusion we have compiled a list of frequently asked questions and their answers.

Is Chiropractic Care Safe?

Chiropractic is one of the safest forms of neuromusculoskeletal treatments available. This treatment option is non-invasive in contrast with many surgeries or procedures. Chiropractic does not use medications and can actually reduce or eliminate a patient’s need for potentially addictive pain medications since modern prescriptions contain addictive substances and when abused can lead to permanent damage or death.

Chiropractors are required to complete extensive medical education and complete more hours of in-class instruction than medical students training to become doctors. Students are also required to complete a residency program like that of medical doctors. This extensive training helps to create one of the safest and most effective treatment options available for a variety of conditions.

Is Chiropractic Safe For Kids?

Yes. In fact, chiropractic care is often very beneficial for children who are generally more active and therefore more prone to injury than any other age group. Their rapid growth also requires injuries to be addressed quickly in order to minimize any adverse effects on their development. Unlike surgeries, chiropractic care also has minimal or no recovery time for patients. Children are able to receive rapid care and feel back to normal more quickly than they would with most other treatment options.

Do You Need A Referral?

While most chiropractors don’t require a referral and many insurance plans allow you to call and schedule your appointment directly with a chiropractor, some insurance plans do require a referral. If you have specific questions about this, it is important to call your insurance provider prior to going to your first appointment. If you have any other questions or concerns, you can also contact your chiropractor for more information.

Do Chiropractors Have Hospital Privileges?

Chiropractors can admit and treat patients in hospitals and outpatient settings. This care often includes special equipment like medical labs, X-ray machines, and other diagnostic equipment.

What Education Does A Chiropractor Have?

Doctors of Chiropractic must complete one of the most rigorous education schedules of any medical professional. Most students that are entering chiropractic colleges have already completed their bachelor’s degree in a medical field. Their education generally includes biology, chemistry, physics, psychology, and lab work. Upon entrance to chiropractic school, students must complete an additional five years of classes as well as study orthopedics, human anatomy, physiology, neurology, nutrition, medical imaging, and exercise courses among others. This is in addition to the chiropractic courses where they learn the techniques and practice of spinal manipulation and other adjusting techniques. At the completion of their class schedules, chiropractic students will have completed over 4,200 hours of classroom, clinical, and laboratory experience.

Does Insurance Cover Chiropractic Care?

Most insurance plans currently cover chiropractic care and other plans are adding it every year. Medicare and Medicaid cover chiropractic care for their customers as well as over 60 military bases and an additional 60 veterans’ facilities. If you are unsure of your coverage, call and discuss this with your insurance provider today.

What Causes The Popping Sound During An Adjustment?

An adjustment of the spinal joints often allows for the release of gases that have built up in the spinal column. The popping sound is the pressure being released from the gas bubbles that were previously trapped in the joint. This sound is the same process as when somebody cracks their knuckles and it is often little or no discomfort associated with the sound or adjustment.


Chiropractic care is essential for the ongoing care and treatment of your medical issues. If you have additional questions or concerns about chiropractic care, please contact your chiropractor today and schedule an appointment. Their expertise is sure to leave you feeling empowered and ready to begin your healing journey.